Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Macbeth Argumentative Essay Example For Students

Macbeth Argumentative Essay MacBethEveryone who is mortal has at least one flaw. Some are more serious than others. For example, some people have addictions to gambling, while other people cant remember to put the milk away after they use it. Sooner or later a persons imperfections will come back to haunt them. In the tragedy MacBeth, this premise comes to life. In the play of McBeth, many of the main characters pass away. The reason the characters die is because these characters have flaws, which will eventually lead to their downfall. Not every character is deserving of this destiny. Some characters have minor flaws, which shouldnt lead to their deaths. But, other characters have a major flaws, which is would eventually lead them to their deaths. MacBeth kills the first Thane of Cawdor, for trying to lead a revolution against England. His fatal flaw was that he was according to Ross, a disloyal traitor. The Thane of Cawdor was greedy, who wanted the throne of England for himself, and as a result was murdered. His murder wasnt really depressing because the Thane of Cawdor deserved his fate. He was leading a battle, in which many lost their lives, for the sake of greed, and he deserved to die because of his flaw. Macbeth has also had affected Mary Shelleyas Frankenstein theme-wise. As in Macbeth, Shelley adds the theme of not thinking of consequences. Macbeth kills Duncan to become king, but doesnat even think about how it will affect his life in any way besides Jurgens 4that he will be king. This ultimately leads to his suffering and demise. In Frankenstein, Victor does not consider the consequences of brining to life a creature until he actually does it. How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delinate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I endeavored to form?a Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the chamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep(Shelly, 52). Once he first sees his creation alive, he realizes what he has done and finally begins to think of the consequences, which lead to the death of many people close to him and also leads to a miserable remaining life. Macbeth has been adapted to the screen many times, with each having its own perspective. Such great filmmakers as Roman Polanski, George Orson Welles, and Akira Kuroasawa have all adapted this classic play. Each did it with their own visions in mind and each fit the play to represent the times they lived in. Each film is completley different, with few similarities, and they are like three completley different movies. Orson Wellesa version of Macbeth could be considered the most radical. This movie is mainly about Macbeth and a study on him and no about any other characters. In this play, Macbeth is seen as even more of a savage than in the play as his costume makes him look like, as one source put it, a barbarian straight out of Mongolia (Heath). THis film was also shot mainly at night to symbolize the darkness in the character of Macbeth. This film was very unsuccessful and is seen as a failure (Stewart). Jurgens 5Roman Polanskias version of Macbeth stayed mostly true to the film and was not radical at all. The movie was filmed in Scotland, where the play took place. Polanskias vision was to have every characteras motivations explained and showed throughout the play. There are slight differences from the play though, such as the extremem violence and added scenes. Things such as violence, as shown in scenes like Macbeth cutting someoneas throat, and the murder of Duncan being added were really the only two radical visions of the play. Akira Kurosawa, a great Japanese director of the 20th century, produced his version of Macbeth, The Throne of Blood, in 1957. Kurosawa completley took the play and adapted it to Japanese culture. For example, instead of being Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, Kurosawaas Macbeth has a Japanese name and is in command of Fortress for a Shogun(Heath). Kurosawa does make other changes, such as completely removing Macduff. In place of Macduff, Macbethas own men turn on him, shooting him full of arrows at the end. William Shakespeareas play Macbeth has greatly affected past societies and continues to affect society today. The main area of society that this play influences is that of Shakespeareas own, the arts. It is weird to think that a play written so long ago, in the 16th century , could have a great affect on something that didnat even exist when the play came out: movies. Shakespeare was able to capture the essence of life and evil and bottle it up into one play, which has lasted for centuries. Like his sonnets, Shakespeare Jurgens 6discovered a way to overcome time and allow his plays and name to last forever. Shakespeare could also be considered a great psychologist as well for this, as his knowledge on humans; their thinking, actions, likes and dislikes, allowed Shakespeare to open up a whole new world to people that had never been explored before. Now, in the 21st century, most of these areas have been explored and time and time again, but Shakespeareas Macbeth is a true classic that will never die and will continue to influence generations upon generations in the future.

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