Sunday, December 29, 2019

Political Participation in Liberal Democracy - 1129 Words

Political Participation in Liberal Democracy People participate in politics to influence policy decision for beter life or beter future by voting, interest groups, labor unions, associations and party membership. There are 3 groups ; Gladiators (Elites) : a small proportion of gladiators who fight the political battle. For instance, the activist campaigners. Spectators: a large group og spectators who observe the contest but rarely participate beyond voting. Apathetics: a substantial number of apathetics who are unengaged in formal politics. Gladiators are well educated,rich, upper class, closer to politics. Two factors seem to be particularly influential thats are political resources and political interest. People in high-status†¦show more content†¦Administration disorder and economic distress. Political order is debated and existing order collapses. After revolution we can talk a reconstruction political, social and economic order. Revolutions consist of three overlapping stages; 1-state breakdown, 2-the struggle for power,3- radical reconstruction of the state. Ex: after war Istanbul occupied by British and others, there was sultan but without power. Federalism Federalism is a system in which governmental power is divided between a national government and several subnational government, each of which is legally supreme in its assigned sphere. Madisson believed that the greatest threat to human rights in a popular government is the tyranny of popular majorities. Federalism has been widely praised as one of the greatest American contribution to the art of government. Power specifically assigned to the federal government such as the power to declare war, make treaties with foreign nations, coins money, and regulate commerce between state. State struggle with education, marriage and divorce, intrastate commerce, and regulation of motor vehicles. But federal government has to help the state in certain cases like building a highway or helping the poor. Separation of Powers Separation of power means the constitutional division of government power among separate legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The constitution of the U.S specificallyShow MoreRelatedEssay about Liberal Democracy1177 Words   |  5 Pages Liberal democracy Introduction To begin with Francis Fukuyamas, provocative thesis, that after the fall of communism in Europe and the withering of the grand ideological contests, history too has ended. In his end of history theory, he maintained that the western liberal democracy had become the `final form of human government. 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